Are you a Dental Hygienist or Dental Assistant
looking to pick-up shifts?

Install our app and create your profile in a few easy steps to get started and start earning money.

Android iOS

Install our app and
create your profile in
a few easy steps.

Android iOS

What Dental Temps are saying about us...

Why should Dental Temps join Fairly?

Real Time Notifications

Receive notifications from job postings instantly! Turn on/off notifications in accordance to your schedule!

Tracking Hours

Looking to pick up some hours? Set your availability using our built in mobile app scheduler. Clock in and out of your shifts directly from your app!


Once a shift has been completed and paid for, you will get a invoice receipt to retain for your records. Yearly reports are available on the app as well to track shifts and hours.

Need help ? Let's talk.

Submit your info & our team will be in touch with you within 24 hours.

Developed by Foremost Digital Inc.