Last minute emergency? Need a Dental Temp?

Why cancel your day when you can simply log in to Fairly’s web application and create a shift. Instantly, over 500 Fairly Temps will be notified via mobile application. Fairly Staffing is designed to help save time and money. Hire a on-demand Registered Dental Hygienist or Dental Assistant using our web based application.

Create your account.

Then pay $25 + GST per shift.


What Dental Clinics are saying about us...

Why should Dental Clinics join Fairly?

Personal Dashboard

Book Temps directly on our web app platform. Create an account and then click the link labeled "Dental Clinics" on the top right of the website to log in to your dashboard.

Email Notifications

Detailed emails will be sent to confirm a Temp once a shift has been booked and will reflect on your dashboard.

Secure Payments

Payments are made either by cheque or Stripe integrated encrypted payment software solutions.

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