Q : What is Fairly?

A: Fairly provides on-demand Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants staffing services using technology.

Q : How does Fairly work?

A: Fairly is a mobile & web based application. Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants can download our mobile app to pick up shifts.Clinics can request a Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants from the dashboard & Fairly assigns the shifts to qualified applicants based on the requirements.

FAQS for Dental Hygienists / Dental Assistants TEMP :

Q : How do I get started with Fairly as a Temp?

A: Temps can join Fairly by heading to Google Play or the Apple Store and searching for “Fairly Staffing”.

Q : How frequently do Fairly Temps get paid? And How?

A: Temps get paid via email transfer or cheque depending on the Dental Office's preference. Payment is processed by Stripe technology.

FAQS for Dental Offices :

Q : How do I get started with Fairly as a Dental Office?

A: Clinic owners can sign up on the Fairly website: www.fairlystaffing.com. After being verified, head over to the home page and click on the link on the top right that says “Dental Clinics” to log into the dashboard.

Q : How does placement fees work ?

A: Fairly charges a $25 flat per placement regardless of the shift duration (minimum of 3 hours).

Q : How can I make a payment?

A : Clinics are charged only the placement fee via secured and encrypted payment gateway system known as Stripe. Please visit their website for more information. www.stripe.com. Shift payments are made via cheque or email transfer directly to the temp.

Q : How do I create a shift on Fairly?

A : Create an account, add in some office information and then head over to shifts.

Q: How does Fairly qualify Temps?

A: Fairly screens applicants by their current registration, work experience, and our built in review system.

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